Hola everyone. Sorry for the blank. An update for now is that I have finally completed my university application. Most of my friends have finished their entrance exams, and I have to say, I am so proud of all of my buds who have worked so hard for this. Excited to say that I have two things I would like to report in my following posts. I'm just going to write down the titles for now; first, "三世代共同作品"(the piece by three generations); second, "Live Harinezumi no Mori".
All that being said, now I would like to move on with my main topic of this post.
In a few hours I will be going to this exhibition, which my friend is doing.
The article below is an extract from http://blog.livedoor.jp/gallery_egg/archives/51689776.html.
"『Rapt Produce 3rd Exhibition "26”』 <<展示会開催中
日程 2011.3.9wed→13sun〈5日間〉
時間 11:00→19:00
会場 Gallery EGG
入場 無料
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